Saturday, July 6, 2013

Damn.... it's been awhile

UPDATE: No I haven't died (well not yet anyway) but I am now living in San Diego, no more Oklahoma for me thank god (haha god). I am working on new music and hopefully will release my first full length which will simply just be called "Witch Doctor" (original right?). Looking at a possible early fall release for that but in the mean time I might actually put out "Haxan" like I promised many moons ago. So hang tight and be patient and the music (haha music) will come!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mortcloth Demo

The Mortcloth Demo is now up on Bandcamp! it is for "name your price" (pretty much free)

CD/CD-R release in the future? hopefully

The Beginning... tape release will be in my hands hopefully by the end of the month so I can sell it to you for dirt cheap and let it collect dust on your shelf! yay....

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Beginning Tape Release / Relocating / Possible Split / THE TITLE SHOULD HAVE BEEN UPDATE

The beginning is being released on cassette through Coffin Boner Records, it will be limited to 20 and hand numbered.

There will be 4 different colors

5 on red

5 on green
5 on blue
5 on white/red splatter 

once they are gone they are gone! so keep a eye out for that.


I will be moving to San Diego the 28th of this month, once I'm moved and settled Witch Doctor will start performing live! I have already started working on new tracks , hopefully a split tape with my good friends in JIMJONES in the very near future!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Beginning...

The Beginning is now up on Bandcamp for name your price, hopefully a tape release in the near future but for now you can just download it for free or whatever amount of money you want to waste on me.